Research on Canadian Pension Plan
— December 14, 2024Yuyang Zhang final essay Yuyang Zhang
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Corruption is an endemic phenomenon in India. Literature shows that the problem of corruption began as early as the 4th century BC. In a study by Transparency International in 2005, it was observed that 62% of the Indians had had first had experience of corruption in the form of bribery. Indians pay upwards of $5 […]
Oil spill off Mumbai worse than estimated The oil spill on the seashore near Mumbai is very huge compared to what was estimated, according to Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB). The disclosure came two days after the drip of natural petroleum oil from an ONGC pipeline. At first, the MPCB roughly calculated that one thousand […]
Yuyang Zhang final essay Yuyang Zhang
Continue Reading ...Corruption is an endemic phenomenon in India. Literature shows that the problem of corruption began as early as the 4th century BC. In a study by Transparency International in 2005, it was observed that 62% of the Indians had had first had experience of corruption in the form of bribery. Indians pay upwards of $5 […]
Continue Reading ...Fighting for trash-free seas Our world is connected in different parts which undergoes different challenges when it comes to a healthy and garbage-free ocean. But one main problem which is easy to understand is trash. It’s sad to see dirty oceans where plenty of trash is flowing on the top of the water and how […]
Continue Reading ...In the 21st century, the two most concerned technologies in the world are artificial intelligence and biomedicine. Artificial intelligence has been discussed in various fields, but for the development of cutting-edge biomedicine levels, there is not much discussion in society. In the field of biology, the most interesting thing, and so that countless people […]
Continue Reading ...How the World’s Biggest Mall Became a Chinese ‘Ghost Town’ A factory city in China, Dongguan which has approximately ten million population and most residents are immigrant laborers from some parts of the world. However, a large group of people living in the same place is not capable to hold up a 5 million-sq.ft. shopping […]
Continue Reading ...Death of a Salesman and the Prevalence of Popularity in Capitalism In the play Death of a Salesman, the author Arthur Miller uses the juxtaposing characterizations of Biff and Bernard in the present as well as in flashbacks to show their different dynamic in the past in order to present Bernard as a foil to Biff, […]
Continue Reading ...Hunger in Africa Jingqian Zhang It is difficult to conceive that, despite all the technological advances and massive amounts of money flowing through the global financial system, there are still huge numbers of people around the world who are suffering from hunger and malnutrition. Food may be fully stocked in refrigerators of homes in many […]
Continue Reading ...International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is planning to build a new research institution to encourage young Asian researchers and other foreign countries to learn and examine natural and balance growth of rice despite of climate change. The officers from IRR conducted a groundbreaking activity last January 27 for the Lloyd T. Evans Plant Growth Facility […]
Continue Reading ...Nancy Pelosi Defends Violent Video Games, Cites Low Gun Violence in Japan A formal discussion regarding violent video game is unexpectedly ongoing. But an interview between the House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, and the host of Fox News, Chris Wallace eventually made video games come into the picture within the normal big media. In order […]
Continue Reading ...LOL Everyone in the present day say, The world just shrinks day by day From computers to laptops, from telephones to mobiles. Thinking of this just makes me smile. Social networks have changed the world Into tiny, little world is it curled All these abbreviations make me LOL I guess that’s what these people […]
Continue Reading ...Marijuana in India People in India commonly use marijuana, or weed, or ganja. Sine it has an exhilarating and powerful effect, it is prohibited and illegal in India. This is the clearest reason why it is forbidden. The major reason why it is prohibited is the constraint of liquor lobby and government. Liquor lobby cuts […]
Continue Reading ...Oil spill off Mumbai worse than estimated The oil spill on the seashore near Mumbai is very huge compared to what was estimated, according to Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB). The disclosure came two days after the drip of natural petroleum oil from an ONGC pipeline. At first, the MPCB roughly calculated that one thousand […]
Continue Reading ...Decrease in Infant Birth Rate Throughout history, the human population has shown a steady incremental growth, but advances in science and technology during the past century have spiked that growth to alarming levels. Yet, even before the sharp rise in the population, experts began to predict dire problems for the future of the world […]
Continue Reading ...美国上调中国产品进口关税对双方及国际市场的影响 美国近期对中国产品大幅度提高进口关税,尤其对电动汽车、太阳能电池以及半导体等关键战略产品的征税,引发了广泛关注,以下是我针对这一热点的一些思考。 首先,从关税政策的本质来看,关税是政府为了保护本国经济、限制进口、鼓励国内生产所采取的一种手段。此次美国上调中国产品的关税,特别是对电动汽车加征100%的关税,是为了保护美国的战略产业,尤其是在电动汽车行业中,与中国的竞争日益激烈。电动汽车产业是未来全球经济增长的重要引擎,通过提高中国电动汽车的进口成本,美国试图减少中国企业在其国内市场的竞争力,从而为美国本土电动汽车产业提供更大的发展空间。这也是为了确保美国在新能源产业中的技术和市场主导地位。 其次,关税的增加不仅会影响双边贸易,还会对全球供应链产生连锁反应。中国是全球半导体、太阳能电池以及电动汽车电池的重要生产国,美国对这些产品加征高额关税,势必会导致相关产品的价格上涨。以半导体为例,这一领域的供应链高度全球化,美国对中国半导体产品提高关税,可能会增加美国本土制造业的成本,并间接影响全球的电子产品价格。美国本土的企业可能需要在更高成本的情况下采购替代产品,消费者最终会为此买单。 此外,从长远来看,这种关税的上调可能会引发中美之间更为复杂的经济对抗。中国可能会采取报复性措施,例如提高对美国产品的进口关税,或者转向其他国家寻找新的市场和技术合作伙伴。这种贸易战的升级会削弱全球经济的复苏步伐,导致全球经济的不确定性增加,尤其是在当前全球经济复苏乏力的背景下,增加了市场的波动性。 总的来说,美国加征中国产品的进口关税短期内可能会给美国本土产业带来保护和发展机会,但长期来看,这种政策将对全球供应链、消费者以及中美双边经济合作带来深远的影响。 JINHAO ZHAO
Continue Reading ...Strict Gun Control Laws in South Korea When reports in Korea regarding recurrent shooting occurrences comes out of the U.S., Koreans brought out small groan of relief for living in a country where gun possession demands a strict law and prohibited by law. Korean men who belong to a military service is compulsory, however, that […]
Continue Reading ...The Metamorphosis’s Commentary on Sacrifice During Crisis In his novella “The Metamorphosis”, Franz Kafka presents the mental characterization of Gregor Samsa right before his death (the willing sacrifice of his life) in order to more display Gregor’s and his values of love for his family, responsibility, and passive obedience, ultimately conveying how sacrifices are often […]
Continue Reading ...Cost Effectiveness of Online Education In the present era, two things are considered to the most expensive affairs, one is higher education and the other is getting medical treatment. Out of the two, education gives tougher situation as it is something mandatory to succeed in life and visualize one’s dreams. In such a case, […]
Continue Reading ...Mother : A Symbol Of Solace Alex was sitting quietly at the corner of the living room, staring at the gloomy dusk outside the window. His temples were aching and the ceaseless drops of tears made him very tired. The living room was already overcrowded with relatives who had arrived from far and near. […]
Continue Reading ...Sub-Saharan Africa Falls Behind In Fight against Extreme Poverty The growth in economy has raised over a billion poor people from severe poverty in the past two decades, and the quantity of people earning below 1.25 dollars a day decreased in each country around the world excluding sub-Saharan Africa. Based on the information given by […]
Continue Reading ...It’s the Time to be Greedy INTRODUCTION: The bullets of the U.S hosing market, has destroyed the economy all over the world. The greed and fear of wall street investment bankers suddenly changed the lives, lifestyles across the social spectrum and careers of millions investors. The financial crisis in the .S market […]
Continue Reading ...WHY A BAN ON DOTA IN PHILIPPINES WILL HARDLY HELP According to the report conducted by The Daily Dot, although many people would still debate about the negative and positive effects of video games, one of the regions in the Philippines clearly prohibits Dota 2 from internet cafes. The government officials believed that the game […]
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