Fighting for trash-free seas
Fighting for trash-free seas
Our world is connected in different parts which undergoes different challenges when it comes to a healthy and garbage-free ocean. But one main problem which is easy to understand is trash.
It’s sad to see dirty oceans where plenty of trash is flowing on the top of the water and how much more when we find out that more trash are underneath the surface of the ocean.
For this reason, the Ocean Conservancy is doing an effective solution to prevent these trash to flow below the ocean surface before it can possible pass the water to block and implicate the living sea creatures and destroy the beaches and crush the community.
For the past 25 years, Ocean Conservancy has been helping active ocean lovers and supporting them by providing funds to developing trash free seas.
Anyone can possibly volunteer in the movement of trash free seas. Ocean Conservancy is the major promoter of effective solutions on how to make trash free seas possible.
People are qualified to help save the ocean by exerting efforts everyday based on the solid plan of the movement. They were giving useful reminders to people in almost all corners of the community to prevent the flow of trash before it reach the ocean.
Another solution they come up is the advancement of science in connection to ocean trash problem so that scientific study by the help of scientific experts can suggests more effective solution.
In addition, they also encourage everyone to take part in the solution and inviting government leaders and other institutions through the Trash Free Seas alliance in order to create solutions to the ocean trash problem.
Finally, promotion of good strategies to help Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act and its counterpart to implement the Trash Free Sea Act to build up a public center on ocean trash.
Lin Zihan